Avonlea by Emaar offers meticulously crafted amenities, designed to cater to the needs and preferences of discerning residents. Rejuvenate in the high-end fitness centre, partake in friendly competition in sports courts, or unwind by the edge of the infinity pool. Featuring ample parking spaces, ensure your utmost convenience. With dedicated parking spaces, Avonlea by Emaar adds layer of convenience to your lifestyle. The meticulously landscaped central podium gracefully connects the buildings, inviting exploration and relaxation. Revel in the tranquillity of outdoor spaces adorned with serene pools, where every corner exudes a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation. Residents at Avonlea enjoy daily panoramas that inspire imagination, creating a living environment that inspires appreciation.
Splash Pad
Fully Equipped Fitness Club
Swimmable Canal Pool
Sports Facilities
Recreational Court
BBQ Area
Serene Gardens
Kids’ Play Area
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